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E-Commerce Dashboard

E-Commerce Dashboard

Trevigen Inc., a bio-tech start-up, was using the same management tool for literally decades before I joined the company. A management system, named FileMaker, was used and a solution was built on this software. It allowed you to view inventory, create different kinds of files, hence the name FileMaker, it allowed you to track all work-related activities. For decades, it got the job done. But it wasn't very effective and was ridden with endless bugs, employees has to invent work-arounds to accomplish simple tasks and it was just a nightmare for new hires. So my mission was to design and help build an in-house management software for the company. Needless to say, the company was thrilled with the design and the functionality. Our small company hit milestones and was eventually acquired by a larger bio-tech corporation.


Trevigen, Inc.



Service Offered:

Dasboard UI Design

Adobe XD Live Prototype

Before our new management tool, we had trouble even finding how to login to our old system. The login screen would be hiding under one of the toolbars. Now, as soon as we open up our dashboard we are welcomed by our beautiful simple login screen.

We had no real way of visualzing our data before. Visualization is crucial to understanding the data. Noticing any patterns and this helps our company make better business decisions. Before we had about 10 excel spreadsheets that we exported out of our old systems. But now, depending on your access of course, you can see the data that relates to you. Whether it be inventory, sales figures, or top selling products.

I liked the idea of being able to do all your work in one app. Not having to switch back and forth between this app and outlook. So I designed this concept with the idea of having outlook integrated and feeding all emails into this elegant and minimal user interface.

Another popular screen beloved by our sales team is this one. You can easily see inventory, hot-selling products and other useful stats.

Our accounting & customer service teams loved the ability to search all invoices with this useful screen.

Customer are the bread and butter of any organization. And a good database is crucial to finding a certain client quickly. Sure, you could see all of this information in a table format. But this format is way easier on the eyes and the brain. Want to filter down your search? Simply search for a name and you have a filtered result set.

Email is great in most scenarios. It is a standard form of communication across all industries. However, for further productivity and convenience,  internal chatrooms work great. Our team is small, so one chatroom suits us best.

Our company events and important dates are all jotted down on this calendar. This way no one misses a thing!

All in all leading the design of this business management tool was fun and a tremendous learning experience. Throughout my 5 years here I have learned design, development and working well with a team.

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